Academic Fraud and Fake Degrees: The Role of Personal and Societal Factors

Academic Fraud and Fake Degrees: The Role of Personal and Societal Factors

For a few, purchasing a fake diploma could be a source of emotional satisfaction. The diploma is a symbol of all the work they’ve put in to ensure a better future.

Why do people cheat in this manner? What is the reason they choose to choose to fake their degrees?


Fake degrees can be dangerous for those who use them. They can damage a person’s image and could result in a waste of hard-earned money. They also put lives at risk in particular if they work in high-risk fields such as engineering or healthcare without the necessary credentials.

Fake diploma mills typically employ aggressive marketing strategies and sleek websites to entice unaware customers. The fake diplomas are usually adorned with elements to make them look authentic, such as the university logo and name, signatures of the official staff, and certificate numbers. The fake degrees also feature attractive fonts and print formats to make them look real.

Fake degrees are often purchased by people for various reasons. They might want to improve their career prospects or to avoid paying expensive tuition fees. Also, they may not have achieved the grades needed for graduation. They can also be used to impress your family and friends or to boost your status in the social circle. The majority of companies don’t check the credentials of employees in background checks. It is simple for fake qualifications to pass. The costs of fake credentials are considerably less than that of genuine ones. This creates one of the largest markets in the world. The increasing number of fake degrees have also weakened the credibility of legitimate academic credentials, and has weakened the work of those who have earned their degrees legitimately.

Academic Fraud Psychology

In a study, researchers discovered that psychopathy can predict academic dishonesty in various ways. They constructed two structural equation models (test and replication) to study the connection between the psychopathic characteristics disinhibition and boldness, as well as meanness as well as academic fraud (prevalence and severity) as well as the role of the importance of mediators like perceived capability, opportunity motivation, and rationalization.

In the model that was tested there was a direct pathway from disinhibition to widespread was observed, indicating that individuals high in this trait are more likely to engage in academic fraud. A significant indirect pathway from boldness to widespread was through perceived capability which was mediated through motivation. Moreover, the meanness trait indirectly predicted the frequency of academic fraud by rationalization and was the primary reason for the lower rates of perceived severity of fraud in this sample.

This study builds on prior studies that linked the psychopathy trait in psychology with a variety of criminal behaviors. Actually, it’s one of the most reliable indicators of deviant behavior. It may even aid in identifying possible fraudsters. Therefore, it is crucial for academic institutions to understand the nature of academic fraud, and devise better prevention strategies. This is particularly crucial during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 outbreak which saw a sudden spike in the number of articles retracted due to scientific misconduct in PsycINFO. This rise in retraction could be partly due to the heightened pressure and fear of being found to be fraudsters.

Social Pressure and fake degrees

As a result, there are a lot of fake degrees and credentials all over the world. It’s easy to believe that they’re authentic and pass a background check for a job. However, knowing the indicators of fraud can aid leaders in higher education ensure that the problem is not averted.

According to experts, the practice of selling fake certificates and diplomas has grown into a multibillion-dollar business. The economic value of a diploma is based on the signaling function. It is seen as a mark of social standing and better qualifications than someone without it.

This is why fake degrees may be attractive to certain people and are willing to spend money on it to increase the amount they earn. Many people also buy a fake degree to gain recognition and prestige by obtaining the position at a top university or company.

Time or financial constraints can limit a person’s capacity to complete the degree. This is why the demand for fake diplomas is growing. To meet this demand, some companies offer forgeries in which the user chooses the institution and the degree they would like to obtain. The company then creates this degree for the person who wants it.

Academic Fraud: Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a key element in academic fraud. The internal conflict is when someone is aware that an action is wrong but still engages in it. This kind of conduct can have serious consequences for those involved in academic fraud, and could even result in criminal charges.

Students who purchase fake degrees in psychology at diploma mills, like they may not be able use these degrees to further their careers or get an employment. They could also be subject to wage garnishment, and lose federal grants and loans. This could impact their financial security and could also harm their reputation.

This is a serious issue because a lot of people believe that their education at reputable universities is vital to their success in the workplace. This means that many individuals prefer to cut corners to gain an edge over their peers. However, this could have dangerous consequences for their mental health as well as their future.

This paper will examine the growing phenomenon of fake diplomas. In the initial section, we define the terms “fake degrees,”” “diploma mills” and “accreditation mills.” In the second part we look at the motives behind the emergence of this phenomenon. We develop an analytical framework to study the ways fake degrees allow holders to enjoy the rights that come with authentic degrees.